Root Canal Treatment – Lewisville, TX

An Efficient, Effective, and Pain-Free Tooth-Saving Service

Closeup of woman holding her cheek due to tooth pain

Since the reputation behind it is quite scary, it’s not surprising that so many patients feel a wave of anxiety when simply hearing the words “root canal treatment.” However, the latest techniques and technology (as well as powerful numbing agents) make this tooth-saving service efficient, effective, and pain-free. If you have any concerns or questions that you’d like addressed, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team directly. Otherwise, you can read on to learn when root canal treatment is recommended and more!

Why Choose Nexus Dental of Lewisville for Root Canal Treatment?

  • Top-Rated Dental Office in Lewisville
  • Same-Day Appointments for Patients in Pain
  • Dental Insurance and Flexible Financing Welcome

Do I Need Root Canal Treatment?

Woman with toothache talking to dentist during appointment

Root canal treatment is recommended when the damage has reached the inner layers of your tooth, infecting the pulp in the process. During your biannual checkup, we will thoroughly examine your smile to determine if this tooth-saving service is necessary. However, you should also keep an eye out for the following symptoms between visits since they are often warning signs of a severely damaged tooth that could benefit from root canal treatment:

  • A pimple-like bump or blister on your gums.
  • Pain when biting down.
  • Dark discoloration on the tooth in question.
  • Inflamed, swollen, or red gums.
  • Persisted tooth pain.

The Root Canal Process 

Illustration of the inside of a tooth

It’s important that we start this section with a friendly reminder that root canal treatment isn’t painful. In fact, the first step of the entire process is thoroughly numbing your mouth so you don’t feel a thing as Dr. Niki Jayswal is working! Once we confirm that the numbing agent has set in and that you’re ready to begin, she will use special instruments to carefully make a tiny hole in your tooth and access the inner chambers. Then, she’ll gently remove the damaged tissue and infected particles before removing any remaining bacteria with a sanitizing agent. Once this is complete, she will use a rubbery substance to seal off your tooth before placing a dental crown over top. In addition to restoring the strength of your tooth and eliminating your pain, this will also protect your tooth from infections down the line.

The Benefits of Getting a Root Canal

Man with beard smiling outside office building

Root canal treatment has a reputation for being painful. However, the large majority of patients report that their experience was similar to having a dental filling done – quick and painless! Thanks to modern techniques and technology, the results are extremely lifelike, functional, and can last for decades as well. It’s also worth mentioning that this restorative service can stop dental damage in its tracks, preventing your surrounding teeth and gums from being damaged. So, there’s really no end to the benefits of root canal treatment!

Understanding the Cost of Root Canals

Tooth model balanced against stacks of coins

The cost of root canal therapy can vary depending on the specific circumstances of each case. During your emergency evaluation, we can discuss some numbers and make sure you know about your payment options, such as insurance and financing. Remember that delaying treatment is likely to cost you more in the long run, so committing to your procedure ASAP may be best for your budget!   

Factors That Can Affect Root Canal Cost

Dentist and patient discussing treatment plan

Some factors that can have a bearing on the cost of root canal therapy include:

  • The type and location of the tooth. Molars have more complex anatomy than other teeth, and they are more challenging to access. Therefore, treating them may incur higher fees.
  • The overall complexity of the case. Our team can perform root canal therapy right here in our office. However, in some complex cases, we refer patients to an outside specialist, which can affect the cost of care.
  • Additional services. You may require a crown after your root canal, which will come with its own price.

Is It Cheaper to Pull My Tooth?

Illustration of forceps being used to extract tooth

The upfront cost of a tooth extraction is less than that of root canal therapy. However, we encourage patients to consider the long-term financial implications of any treatment they choose. If you opt to get a tooth extracted, you should replace it as soon as possible. Otherwise, you may end up dealing with a number of oral health issues, such as dental drift, difficulty eating, and more. The cost of an extraction plus tooth replacement can amount to thousands of dollars, especially if you get a dental implant. Saving the tooth with root canal therapy is usually the more economical choice.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Root Canals?

Green dental insurance key on computer keyboard

In many cases, yes, dental insurance does cover root canal therapy. It is usually classified as a major procedure, so around 50% of its cost may be covered, up to the amount of your policy’s annual maximum. Of course, every plan is different. Call our team with your insurance information so we can help you figure out exactly how your benefits apply. We will do all we can to keep your out-of-pocket costs to a minimum.

Other Options for Making Root Canal Treatment Affordable

Smiling dental patient, happy she could afford treatment

In addition to insurance, there are a few provisions that might make it easier for you to afford your root canal therapy:

  • Special pricing. For patients without insurance, we offer a $39 emergency exam and X-rays. This can be an important first step on your path to feeling better.
  • We accept CareCredit, a third-party lender that provides low-interest payment plans for dental services. The application process is fast and easy, and most patients who apply are approved for a budget-friendly installment arrangement.

The team at Nexus Dental of Lewisville is ready to help you enjoy improved oral health! To learn more about root canal therapy and its cost, give us a call.

Root Canal FAQs

model of the inside of a tooth with dental instruments

Does Getting a Root Canal Hurt?

You may have dental pain before the procedure, but once we numb the area, you shouldn’t have any discomfort. After the anesthetic wears off, that area of your mouth may feel sore, but it is usually mild and only lasts a day or two. If you have substantial pain or get a fever, reach out to us immediately. Otherwise, you should be able to manage any minor discomfort with over-the-counter pain reliever and a cold compress on your face.

Do I Still Need a Root Canal If I’m Not in Pain?

Pain is not a prerequisite for root canal treatment. You may not feel any discomfort and still have a tooth that needs a root canal. Dr. Jayswal can properly diagnose the problem and let you know what treatment is required to keep your smile healthy and strong.

Why Is a Natural Tooth Worth Preserving?

Especially if you’re experiencing pain from a badly damaged or decayed tooth, you may think that extracting and replacing the tooth would be better. However, it is largely more advantageous to keep the natural tooth as long as possible than to remove it. With prosthetic teeth, it is harder to feel the force of your bite than with real teeth, potentially leading to jaw or soft tissue injuries. In addition, the cost of replacing a lost tooth is significantly higher than the price of root canal treatment. In almost every way, it’s better to get this procedure and hold onto your tooth.

How Long Does Root Canal Treatment Take?

The procedure itself can vary in length, depending on the severity of the decay or injury. Molars, which have multiple roots, can require a longer visit to get the entire pulp and seal off the inside of the tooth. Once the root canal is done, we will put a temporary crown over it. The appointment may take between 60 and 90 minutes in total. Then, after your custom crown is fabricated, you’ll return for a quick visit to have it bonded over the tooth.

What Should I Do to Get Sleep with a Toothache?

As much as possible, avoid delaying getting treated when you have pain. However, if you must survive the night with tooth pain that needs root canal treatment before seeing Dr. Jayswal, take pain medication as directed. A topical anesthetic like Orajel can also give you relief temporarily. You may also put a cold or ice compress on your face to further numb the area, but do not leave it on your face for longer than 20 minutes. First thing in the morning, call our practice, and we’ll fit you in on the same day as your call.