Dental Implants – Lewisville, TX

Woman with flawless smile after tooth replacement with dental implants

Close Your Smile’s Gaps for Good

In the last few decades, dental implants have become the preferred tooth replacement by patients and dentists alike – and it’s not hard to see why. Dental implants are exponentially more durable, reliable, and longer-lasting than traditional dentures and bridges could ever hope to be. Here at Nexus Dental of Lewisville, Dr. Jayswal can perform every step of the dental implant treatment, so if you’re ready to close your smile’s gaps for good, contact us to schedule your consultation to discuss tooth replacement with dental implants in Lewisville, TX!


Why Choose Nexus Dental of Lewisville for Dental Implants?

  • Entire Dental Implant Process Completed In-House
  • Small, Privately Owned Dental Office
  • Affordable, Transparent Pricing

What Are Dental Implants?

Model comparing natural teeth to dental implant supported replacement tooth

A dental implant by itself doesn’t look much like a tooth, but that’s because it replaces the tooth’s root, which is normally hidden under the gumline. The implant is a small post, usually made from titanium, zirconia, ceramic, or other biocompatible materials. After Dr. Jayswal surgically positions the post into your jaw, the bone tissue grows around it. This powerful bond enables the implant to hold any number of replacement teeth.


The 4-Step Dental Implant Process

dentist and dental patient discussing the four step dental implant process

With Nexus Dental of Lewisville, you won’t need to deal with the inconvenience of driving across town to visit various specialists for the different steps of your treatment. Dr. Jayswal has completed the advanced training necessary to handle the entire process herself! Your treatment details may vary, but you’ll likely go through four basic phases:

Initial Dental Implant Consultation

Dental implant consultation in Lewisville

First, we’ll determine your eligibility for dental implants and plan out your treatment. This includes our implant dentist in Lewisville thoroughly examining your smile as well as discussing your current overall health and any medications you are currently taking. We’ll also evaluate your jawbone density to ensure that you are in a good position to receive dental implants. We may need to recommend preliminary treatments if you require treatment for gum disease, tooth decay, or jawbone shrinkage.

Dental Implant Surgery

Dental implant surgery in Lewisville

Since we are pleased to complete the entire dental implant process in-house, Dr. Jayswal will carefully position the implants within your jawbone. This requires receiving local anesthesia before having small incisions made in your gums. From there, she will place each implant post before closing the gum tissue and placing healing caps over each of the implant posts.

Dental Implant Osseointegration/Abutment

Dental implant abutment in Lewisville

The bone tissue in your jaw grows around the implant posts, which can take anywhere from three to six months. This is a process known as osseointegration. This must be successful for your dental implants to remain in place for as long as possible. If you begin to smoke, use your teeth as tools, or eat hard, crunchy foods during this time, they may not fuse, and you could suffer implant failure.

However, as long as osseointegration is successful, you will return to our office to receive your metal abutments, which must be applied so that your restoration will attach to your implant post.

Delivery of Dental Implant Restorations

Man with dental implants in Lewisville

Lastly, we can attach your custom crown, bridge, or denture on top of your implants. This will be a customized restoration that is designed to match the rest of your smile. Not only will you be able to eat freely with your new teeth, but you’ll speak more clearly and smile confidently. Dental implants offer patients a new lease on life, which you can start enjoying the moment your teeth are permanently in place.


Benefits of Dental Implants

Woman with flawless smile enjoying the benefits of dental implants

Over half a million dental implants are placed every year, making them one of the most popular ways to replace missing teeth. They’re considered the gold standard of tooth replacement because they replace the entire structure of a missing tooth, from the roots up to the chewing surface. Dental implants are strategically placed inside the jawbone, providing unmatched stability and durability. If you’d like to learn more about the advantages of this method, continue reading or give our office a call today!

Day-to-Day Benefits

man smiling after getting dental implants

Teeth are used every day for various tasks like eating, speaking, and smiling. For that reason, it only makes sense that you’d want a method of tooth replacement that allows you to enjoy your everyday life with ease. By restoring your grin with dental implants, you can look forward to the following benefits:

  • Ability to Eat Most Foods – When the root structure of your teeth is restored, you can bite and chew with the same ease you had with your natural pearly whites.
  • Easier Maintenance – Because dental implants are similar to natural teeth, you don’t have to worry about purchasing special products or incorporating complex steps into your oral hygiene routine. Caring for them is as easy as caring for natural teeth!
  • Increased Confidence – You don’t have to worry about your dental implants moving around since they stay firmly in place. As a result, you can perform basic tasks with complete confidence.

Health Benefits

woman smiling outside

Beyond improving your appearance, dental implants offer many health benefits. Some of those include:

  • Healthier Jaw – The implant posts prevent your jawbone from breaking down as it would otherwise without your teeth stimulating it.
  • Stability – Your new teeth will never slip around because they’re anchored onto posts that are reliably embedded in your jaw.
  • Better Overall Health – Recent studies have shown a correlation between missing teeth and an increased risk of multiple diseases. Since dental implants closely resemble natural teeth, it’s safe to assume they can lower such risks.

Long-Term Benefits

older woman smiling with grandchild

Getting dental implants in Lewisville will allow you to enjoy many long-term benefits, such as:

  • High Success Rate – Even 20 years after their placement, dental implants have an impressive success rate of about 95%.
  • Maintain a Youthful Appearance – Dental implants stimulate the jawbone, preventing the sunken aged look that comes with tooth loss. They will help you maintain a youthful appearance for years to come.
  • Lasting Results – With the right care, dental implants can last for 30 years on average, and they can potentially last a lifetime!


Who Dental Implants Can Help

Woman with complete smile after tooth replacement with dental implants

For the most part, as long as you’re an adult with a generally healthy mouth and strong jawbone, we can fill any number of gaps in your smile with dental implants. After Dr. Jayswal has determined the specifics of your tooth replacement needs, she can draw up one of the following treatment plans.


Missing One Tooth

Smile with one missing tooth

Bringing back a single lost tooth entails placing one implant into the space and anchoring a dental crown to the top. This solution flawlessly blends in with your smile, and it doesn’t require filing down two of your remaining teeth like a traditional dental bridge.


Missing Multiple Teeth

Smile with several missing teeth

To replace several consecutive missing teeth, a dental bridge can be fitted over two implants, each of which is positioned at one end of the gap in your mouth. This prosthetic won’t wear down your natural teeth. We can also attach a partial denture onto a few implant posts placed strategically along an arch.


Missing All Teeth

Smile with all missing teeth

If you currently wear a frustrating denture, you’ll be happy to learn that it typically takes only four to eight implants to anchor an entire row of sturdy replacement teeth. Implant dentures eliminate the worry of slippage, making it easier to chew food and smile with confidence.


Understanding the Cost of Dental Implants

Tooth replacement with dental implants is much more complex than most other dental treatments. Because of the many variables we have to consider, we can’t give you a realistic cost estimate until we’ve had the chance to sit down with you and discuss them in detail. At this time, we can also review your options for making dental implants affordable, such as CareCredit financing and our in-house savings plan. Compared to other tooth replacement options, dental implants may be the most cost-effective since they can last for several decades. Below, you can learn more about what to expect when it comes to the cost of dental implants in Lewisville.

Preliminary Treatments & Dental Implant Surgery

patient getting dental implants in Lewisville

If you have existing oral health issues, you may need to undergo certain preliminary treatments like gum disease therapy, tooth extractions, or bone grafting before getting dental implants. While these services will add to the overall cost of your treatment, they’re necessary to ensure the long-term success of your new smile. The good news is that most of these procedures are partially covered by dental insurance.

It’s important to note that dental implant surgery itself has a cost of its own. Typically, it’s affected by the location of the surgical site and the type of sedation needed. Since our practice can complete the entire dental implant process from start to finish, you don’t need to worry about getting a bill from an outside specialist for that step.

The Parts of Your Dental Implant

dental implant 3D graphic

The overall cost of dental implants in Lewisville is influenced by several factors, including:

  • The number of dental implants. Replacing a single tooth with one dental implant will cost less than getting four to six for an implant denture. However, an implant denture is usually more cost-effective than replacing each tooth separately.
  • The type of restoration. Crowns, bridges, and dentures all come at different costs. Generally speaking, the smaller the restoration is, the less expensive it is.
  • Size or material. Some dental implants are made of zirconia instead of titanium. As you can imagine, that will affect the total price.
  • Brand of dental implants. Different manufacturers make dental implants differently to cater to the unique needs of each patient. At your consultation, feel free to ask about where you’re getting your implant as well as any brand-specific benefits.

How Dental Implants Can Save You Money

patient smiling after getting dental implants in Lewisville

Patients on a budget may be tempted to opt for traditional dentures or bridges. However, dental implants are the more cost-effective choice in long run. Unlike other options, you won’t have to pay for replacements or adjustments every few years. You also don’t have to worry about purchasing special products or incorporating complex steps into your oral hygiene routine because caring for implants is as easy as caring for natural teeth. Additionally, they’ll help you prevent issues like gum disease, tooth decay, and jawbone deterioration. Having good oral health will help lower your risk of systemic issues and their associated costs.  

Does My Dental Insurance Cover Dental Implants?

dental insurance form on table

Most dental insurance plans don’t offer coverage for dental implants in Lewisville, but there are a few exceptions. For instance, parts of the final restoration or certain preliminary treatments may be eligible for coverage. Of course, every policy is unique, which is why you should confirm the details of your benefits with your insurance provider before committing to anything. If needed, our team is more than happy to help with that step!

Making Dental Implants Affordable

dental professional explaining financing options in Lewisville

We understand that not everyone has dental insurance. Fortunately, there are still ways for you to save! Our practice offers third-party financing through CareCredit to help make your treatment as affordable as possible. It allows you to split up the total cost of your care into smaller monthly installments. In addition, you can take advantage of our $2,799 Single Dental Implant offer. You can check our website every month to stay up to date on our latest deals!

Maintaining & Caring for Your Dental Implant

closeup of woman smiling with dental implants

Dental implants are considered the gold standard of tooth replacement, and it’s easy to see why! Once they’re securely attached to your jawbone, they can last for many decades. However, it's important to take good care of them, just like you would with your natural teeth. By following some simple steps at home, you can ensure that your dental implants stay strong and healthy for a lifetime. Click on the button below for a few recommendations to get you started!

Make Oral Hygiene a Priority

older couple brushing teeth in bathroom mirror

Although dental implants can’t get cavities, that doesn’t mean you can slack off on your oral hygiene. The restoration itself may not be made of any organic materials, but the gum tissue surrounding the implant can still become inflamed due to plaque and bacteria buildup. If you want to keep your smile in tip-top shape, you need to brush twice a day, floss daily, and rinse at least once a day with an ADA-approved mouthwash.

Eat a Healthy Diet

woman eating salad in living room

With or without implants, everyone should eat a balanced and nutritious diet. Consuming healthy foods like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains will benefit your tooth replacement in the long run. Eating too many foods high in sugar and starch will only make it easier for bacteria to produce plaque acids that harm your teeth. Don’t forget to stay hydrated as well! It’ll help keep your mouth clean and loosen food debris.

Break Bad Habits

man opening beer with teeth

Even though dental implants are long-lasting, they’re not indestructible. You should avoid poor habits like using them as tools, biting your fingernails, smoking, and chewing on hard objects. While these acts may seem harmless, they can damage your implants. Instead, kick these habits to the curb and only use your teeth as they’re intended – for eating, speaking, and smiling!

Protect Your Dental Implants

closeup of person holding mouthguard

Keep in mind that dental implants can still break or fail due to forced trauma or injury. That’s why you’ll need to have the right protective gear to keep your new smile safe! If you regularly play contact sports (i.e., football, basketball, soccer, hockey, wrestling), you should wear a custom-made mouthguard. Similarly, you should consider getting a nightguard to protect your teeth if you grind and clench them at night while sleeping.

Schedule Regular Dental Checkups

patient having dental checkup

A complete oral hygiene routine includes regular dental checkups and cleanings. By coming to our office every six months, we can monitor your implants for issues and address them as soon as possible. These regular appointments will allow us to keep your smile in the best shape possible. With early intervention, you don’t have to worry about needing complex or expensive treatments down the line.

Dental Implant Post-Op Instructions

closeup of man smiling

Once your dental implants are surgically in place, the recovery phase follows – and there's no need to worry about it! Below, you can learn what to expect and how to aid your smile's healing process. If you encounter severe or unfamiliar pain, or other unusual side effects not covered here, feel free to reach out to us for expert guidance and support.

What to Do Directly After Dental Implant Surgery

woman smiling while sitting on couch

Ensuring a smooth healing process is crucial, and preserving the forming blood clot is key. Adhering to these guidelines is essential:

  • Refrain from spitting – use tissues or swallow saliva instead
  • Avoid drinking through straws
  • Do not smoke during the initial day
  • Make an effort to avoid touching the surgical area with your fingers or tongue

By following these instructions, you'll promote effective healing and optimize the success of your procedure.

Common Side-Effects When Recovering from Dental Implant Placement

man smiling while sitting on couch

Following dental implant placement, it's common to experience mild side-effects, particularly in the initial days. These can encompass:

  • Occasional bleeding, manageable with gauze and gentle pressure, potentially lasting several days.
  • Swelling within the first 72 hours, which might persist for a week. Applying cold or warm compresses can assist.
  • General discomfort, alleviated by pain medication.

These effects are temporary and tend to diminish over time. If they persist unexpectedly, please don't hesitate to inform us for guidance.

Your Diet After Dental Implant Surgery

woman eating plain yogurt

In the initial days post-surgery, opt for softer, non-abrasive foods such as:

  • Mashed potatoes
  • Yogurt
  • Ice cream
  • Pudding
  • Lukewarm soup
  • Scrambled eggs
  • Pasta

While you can resume your regular diet when comfortable, it's advisable to avoid excessively crunchy or tough foods and refrain from chewing directly on the implant area. This approach supports smoother healing and minimizes discomfort.

Post-Op Health & Oral Hygiene

older couple brushing teeth together

The day after surgery, you can resume brushing your teeth, but take extra care around surgical areas. Rinse your mouth with salt water 2-3 times daily, preferably after meals, and use prescribed mouthwash if available. Steer clear of alcohol-based mouthwashes like Scope or Listerine. These steps ensure proper oral hygiene while safeguarding your healing surgical sites.

What to Do After Your New Teeth Are Attached

woman smiling and giving thumbs up

You did it – the hard part is behind you! After your crown, bridge, or denture is affixed to the implant(s), you may experience brief and manageable gum tissue sensitivity, eased with pain medication. There should be no swelling, bleeding, or prolonged recovery. You'll be ready to show off your smile on the very same day!

Dental Implant FAQs

Illustration of dental implant

Dental implants could be the tooth replacement option that you’ve been looking for, but they are quite an investment, so it pays to be well-informed. Here are the answers to some of the most common questions we receive about dental implants in Lewisville. If you don’t see the information that you’re looking for below, feel free to give us a call. We’d be happy to walk you through the procedure and get you started with an initial consultation.

How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

The lifespan of dental implants typically depends on the health and lifestyle choices of the patient. To ensure that implants last, be sure to brush, floss, and rinse with mouthwash on a daily basis. Attend regular cleanings and checkups and avoid chewing on anything particularly hard or sticky. When cared for properly, dental implants can last upwards of three decades. This is several times longer than traditional bridges and dentures.

Does Getting Dental Implants Hurt?

The jawbone doesn’t have very many nerve endings, and your mouth will be numbed with a local anesthetic before the procedure begins. You will also most likely be sedated, lowering your body’s ability to register pain. While the surgery shouldn’t be painful, your mouth may be sore for a few days afterward. Take prescribed and over-the-counter pain relievers as directed. Cold compresses can also help. If discomfort worsens instead of improving after two to three days, give us a call.

Am I Too Young to Get Dental Implants?

Most dental professionals will not place implants in patients who are younger than 18. This is because if dental implants are placed before the jaw is finished growing, it could interfere with bone development and potentially result in complications. Most people’s jawbones aren’t fully developed until young adulthood. Some people’s take until their mid-20s to fully develop. During your consultation with us, we can determine whether or not dental implants are the right option for you at this time.

Can I Get Dental Implants If I’m Diabetic?

If your diabetes is under control, your odds of dental implant success are generally comparable to those of nondiabetic patients. Uncontrolled diabetes and chronic high blood sugar can slow down the healing process, making it more difficult for your implants to integrate with your jawbone. If you’re interested in getting dental implants, talk to your endocrinologist or primary care physician about getting your blood sugar levels under control beforehand.