Preventive Dentistry – Lewisville, TX

Woman with healthy smile after preventive dentistry

How We Keep Your Smile Healthy & Problem-Free

No one wants to take time out of their busy schedule to get fillings, dental crowns, or other dental procedures. Fortunately, there’s a convenient way to reduce the chances that you’ll need these additional treatments – regular preventive dental care. By attending just two dental checkups and teeth cleanings each year, you can keep your smile healthy and problem-free for the foreseeable future. At Nexus Dental of Lewisville, we welcome patients of all ages. Call us today to schedule your next appointment with Dr. Niki Jayswal for preventive dentistry in Lewisville, TX!


Why Choose Nexus Dental of Lewisville for Preventive Dentistry?

  • Small, Privately Owned Dental Office
  • In-Network with Most PPO Dental Insurances
  • Open 5 Days a Week


Dental Checkups & Teeth Cleanings

Woman smiling during dental checkup and teeth cleaning visit

Even with the best at-home brushing and flossing routine, there are still areas of your mouth that you simply can’t clean on your own. To minimize the growth of harmful plaque and tartar in these areas, we can provide thorough, professional cleanings that leave you with a healthier, fresher smile. These visits also give Dr. Jayswal the chance to closely examine your teeth and gums. If she spots any signs of tooth decay, gum disease, or other oral health concerns, she’ll work with you to develop a custom treatment plan and get your smile back on track.


Nightguards for Bruxism

Person holding a clear nightguard for bruxism

Do your days often start with a headache or sore jaw? Do your teeth look worn down? These are signs of a common condition called bruxism – chronic teeth grinding. Because it usually occurs while you’re sleeping, it’s nearly impossible to stop the grinding on your own. That’s where a nightguard can make all the difference. Dr. Jayswal can design a custom tray that fits between your upper and lower teeth and will prevent them from wearing each other down while you rest.


Fluoride Treatments

Fluoride treatment poured out in the shape of a tooth

A mineral that is commonly added to tap water and oral hygiene products, regular exposure to fluoride has been proven to significantly reduce the risk of cavities. It reinforces your tooth enamel against the acids produced by harmful oral bacteria. After we’re finished with your cleaning, we can take just a few minutes to apply a concentrated coating of fluoride, which should keep your teeth strong and cavity-free long after you leave our dental office.


Oral Cancer Screenings

Dental patient receiving oral cancer screening

Almost half of all people diagnosed with oral cancer won’t live for more than five years afterward, and that’s because this disease isn’t typically discovered until it has progressed to the more advanced, destructive stages. For this reason, Dr. Jayswal has incorporated oral cancer screenings into every routine checkup. With her expertly trained eyes, she can identify abnormalities in the tissues in your mouth early on. This way, your chances of receiving successful treatment are drastically improved.